Chcete mít lepší přehled o spotřebě elektřiny ve Vašem portfoliu?

Chcete mít lepší přehled o spotřebě elektřiny ve Vašem portfoliu?

Už Vás nebaví pokrývat ztráty způsobené odchylkou ze svých marží?

Už Vás nebaví pokrývat ztráty způsobené odchylkou ze svých marží?

Chcete získat náskok před konkurencí díky Real time sledování Vašeho portfolia?

Chcete získat náskok před konkurencí díky Real time sledování Vašeho portfolia?


AZ 4energy Electricity saving by online metering

le SMART™ meters the production and consumption of electricity at the connection point. After this, data is sent to the central control in real time, where it is then immediately processed and assessed. Our solutions for online metering of consumption and production at the connection point create less costs for traders, which then subsequently are not passed on to customers, and do not reduce trader´s margins.The consumer is then able to optimize their consumption by time.

About Us

The main field of business of AZ 4energy is the metering of electrical consumption in real time and faciliating the transfer of data. Our solutions for the on-line metering of consumption or production at the connection point  save trader´s costs for minimalization of differences. The trader does not have to pass these costs on to customers or reduce their margin, the customer is then able to optimize their consumption by time and thus negotiate a lower price of electricity.

References and recommendations

The extend of our activities includes experience with electrical installations, among others. Additionally, we are involved with a pilot project of introducing Smart Grids to the Czech Republic. Our founders come from an academic environment, from which they draw their knowledge and experience.

Our philosophy and direction

The main motivation for the AZ 4energy project is the growing share of unpredictable resources in the network combined with the increasing demand for preserving network stability.

In the current system, the difference (i.e. the measure of production /purchase portfolio difference and its consumption) is accounted for retroactively, without any opportunity to influence the final instant position on the market and subsequent additional costs.
The founders of the company are believe that this state no longer corresponds to the standards of modern electricity trading.

On the other hand, our concept of consumption and production metering in real time gives the trader the opportunity to optimize their market position right before the delivery of electricity and thereby reduce the costs of the difference. The trader gets a significant competitive advantage in the competition of other energy traders due to costs reduction. At that moment a lower selling price enables the trader to compete better.

The company also provides software application development, which assist with the operation of metering devices for data sharing, both for developing consumption optimizers at the connection point, as well as predicting renewables.

le SMART™ Product

We offer metering mediation for both generation and retail portfolios for traders in real time. Real-time metering is made possible by use of our le SMART™platform. Traders‘ costs for the purchase of electricity as a market commodity, including the costs associated with balancing portfolio differences, have an impact on the retail price. In particular, the difference between costs is transferred to the end customer, or is covered by the dealer´s margin. The choice between increasing the retail prices of electricity and reducing the margin is a choice between lower competitiveness versus lower profitability.

le SMART™ – technical description

le SMART™ meters the production and consumption of electricity at the connection point. After this, data is sent to the central control in real time, where it is then immediately processed and assessed. Although the standard time interval for data metering in the Czech Republic and other countries is 15 minutes, le SMART™ device can meter data in a much shorter time period, while being synchronized with the standard time period with split second precision.This gives the trader perfect awareness of both electricity generation and the consumption of entities in their portfolio in real time, so that they can accordingly alter their position on the electricity market and more precisely minimalize the cost of the difference.

Our services

We provide complete metering and transmission of information regarding the electricity generation and consumption of generators, industrial companies, and households.
Data received from our le SMART™ meters are shared on a web portal where there are both – the visual interface and data interface (MNL/XLS) from which the trader´s software can download the required data.


I am a representative of a trader who primarily has no interest in reducing the cost of their difference. However,  they do need support in market expansion. What services can you offer?

AZ 4energy has been working on the development of so-called smart tariffs. In the future, after the mass expansion of smart metering, these tariffs will allow traders to optimize their portfolio in real time. We also prepare promotions for co-operating traders so that their customers are aware of the smart metering concept. Therefore, our services represent a competitive advantage for all cooperating traders on the Czech market, where the competition is very tough.

I am a customer with an annual consumption of about 1 GWh. I was informed by my trader/dealer (whom I will not name) that they do not know your company and they do not plan to install your equipment. Do you have any offers that might interest me?

Even for a consumer (or a generator), the information about the energy flow at the connection point is very valuable. After some time, you can gain an exact view of your offtake (or generation) diagram. Then, you can try to optimize your consumption (and also generation with managable sources) according to the trader´s needs for achieving lower payments for electricity. On top of that, in the future, you can use the le SMART™ equipment and go to a trader who will evaluate your efforts with real time metering. For these purposes, you can use the extensive contact network of AZ 4energy.

My household consumes about 3.8 MWh per year.Is your concept of any use for me?

Based on this information about your annual consumption, I assume that you are living in a larger flat or a house. The solution for monitoring of the consumption of such households (i.e. a connection point at a low voltage level) would be the installation of a special metering device optimized for a low voltage level. This solution has about half the costs of the le SMART™ meter for high voltage. You can receive the information about your consumption in real time. Also, after the further development of the smart grid concept and the future expansion of smart tariffs, this device will enable you to get such a tariff for your household.

In case of lower household consumption (less than 2 MWh/year), it would be more advantageous to have an agreement for a larger number of such households (connection points), joining them into one cluster which would be metered together.

For example, this could be a union of all households within one or more residential buildings. In this arrangement, you would become one big connection point, which would make you a more interesting customer for the trader. If such a cluster of electricity consumers decides to change their electricity dealer using our data transfer and sharing solution, it then opens up the possibility of obtaining a better price for electricity.


AZ 4energy s.r.o.

Kaprova 42/14, 110 00 Prague 1


Technical department: Ing. Jindřich Foubík,, telefon 731 659 300

CEO: Ing. Milan Kloubec,

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